Our Work

Most of our work has resulted in scholarly publications. On this page you can review our publications to get an idea about our work.

On Losses, Pauses, Jumps and the Wideband E-Model – IEEE Xplore Document

There is an increasing interest in upgrading the EModel, a parametric tool for speech quality estimation, to the wideband and super-wideband contexts. The

NUAV – a testbed for developing autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles – IEEE Xplore Document

Contemporary models of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are largely developed using simulators. In a typical scheme, a flight simulator is dovetailed with a

NUAV – a testbed for developing autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles


Simulators as Drivers of Cutting Edge Research – IEEE Xplore Document

Undertaking engineering research can be compounding for beginning graduate students and thwarting even for seasoned researchers. With a wealth of academic

Simulators as Drivers of Cutting Edge Research

Evolutionary speech quality estimation in VoIP

A Methodology for Deriving VoIP Equipment Impairment Factors for a Mixed NB/WB Context

Real-Time, Non-intrusive Speech Quality Estimation: A Signal-Based Mod
Real-Time, Non-intrusive Evaluation of VoIP

VoIP speech quality estimation in a mixed context with genetic programming

An Evolutionary Approach to Speech Quality Estimation

Real-Time Non-Intrusive VoIP Evaluation Using Second Generation Network Processor

Non-intrusive quality evaluation of VoIP using genetic programming


Photo by Hackley Public Library