Our Philosophy

At optimum technologies we provide optimal solutions to real-world problems. Our brand name, OptimumT, ensues from our world view. Our world view is that most of the real world problems in the world can be looked at as optimization problems. If we try to understand the universe we will recognize that every naturally occurring phenomenon is trying to optimize a certain metric, criterion, or objective.

Stars seek to rotate in certain orbits that give them stability. Plants try to evolve into colors which help them in utilizing more sunlight. Animals try to maximize their livelihood through better metabolism and efficient utilization of resources.

Most of the real-world systems are designed by addressing certain optimization criteria. Buildings are designed to be more capacious. roads are designed to bear more traffic.  Cars are designed to be more fuel efficient. Computers are designed to exhibit efficiency from multiple points of view. Solar panels are designed to utilize maximum sunlight. Wind mills are designed to make most out of even the ordinary gusts of wind.

So most of the real world problems are actually optimization problems. And at optimum technologies our vision is to look at the real world problems from this perspective.

At OptimumT we view optimization technologies as hammers for setting problems. As a matter of fact we believe that some of our techniques are like such hammers that having them in our hands everything else in the world begins to look like a nail to us. This is not an exaggerated worldview at all. With the help of our technologies we can convince you that this is actually the most pragmatic worldview.

At OptimumT we provide solutions to real-world problems. Our team of experts provide optimal solutions to problems depending upon their domain or discipline. We accept problems from a diverse set of engineering or scientific disciplines. Our core team of experts then analyze the problem deeply and contemplate on the various tracks for solving the problem. Depending upon the nature of the problem at hand we apply statistical, mathematical and artificial intelligence techniques to provide optimal solutions to our clientele.

Photo by pedrosimoes7