We offer our services for a wide variety of problems. Our goal is to develop robust, reliable and durable systems that will last for as long as possible. We love to design systems with a passion for technology.
Depending upon the nature of the problem our experts adopt the a research-based approach to completing the project. Our product development lifecycle can be divided into the following three parts.
- Problem Identification.
- Literature Survey.
- Solution Development.
- Final Delivery.
Problem Identification:
Our experts meet our clients and develop a formal description of the the problem at hand. To achieve this they develop use cases or client’s requirement specification. The goal here is to completely understand the client’s expectations.
Literature Survey:
Depending upon the nature of the problem our experts perform a literature survey to identify similar problems and their solutions. This is the most critical stage of our work life-cycle.
Solution Development:
At this phase of the project, when all the developmental strategies have been set, our experts develop a viable solution for the problem at hand. Depending upon the nature of the problem they employ appropriate developmental and simulation tools. The final product is appropriately bench-marked and tested before deployment.
Final Delivery
When the product has been tested for reliability and durability, it is delivered to the client. We remain in contact with the client to provide due assistance whenever required.
In our to deliver the promised level of services of our clients, we have structured our organization accordingly. Our organization has three tiers of human resources. Personnel at each of the tiers handle your problems according to the roles assigned to them. These tiers are as follows.
- The Management Tier.
- The Consultancy Tier.
- The Engineering Tier.
Below is a brief reflection on the functions of each of the tiers.
The Management Tier
Personnel at this tier work between the other two tiers, and also with our clientele. Our managers consult the clients about their problems, objectives, goals and what they desire from us. Once they have the problems, they pass them on to the consultancy tier to help them suggest strategies to crack the problems. Once that is done, they look for appropriate engineers in the engineering tier and delegate the tasks to them with possible workarounds.
The Consultancy Tier
Personnel at this tier are domain experts. They are possibly our most valued assets. Once we receive problems from our clients, we pass them on to our consultants. Consultants study the problems thoroughly and suggest possible solutions and problem-solving tracks. Our consultants are highly educated in one or more technical disciplines. Most of them have PhDs and years of experience working in multidisciplinary environments with optimization at the core.
The Engineering Tier
While we value our consultants quite a lot, our engineers are our prodigies. We value them quite a lot as well. Engineers play a defining role in our product development lifecycle. Once a problem is cracked by our consultants, our managers look for appropriate engineers. Provided with the exact methodology for cracking a problem, our engineers then finally develop solutions which are handed over to our clients.