Our Kites

For one reason or the other, we have had to develop quite a few presentations in the past. We were compelled to develop some of them in order to deliver them at seminars and conferences. We also developed a few others only because we found the whole exercise of developing presentations quite fascinating.

We used LaTeX’s beamer package to develop most of our presentations. And with Beamer you can develop colorful presentations. With the power of LaTeX, you can also add images and equations to the presentations in ways that the whole content would be absolutely aligned and  cohering in a nice way. And this is the reason we got so much involved with this exercise of developing presentations so intensely. Due to the splendid hues and colors rendered by Beamer, we have chosen to call our presentations as kites. You might like them as well. Just have a look below. Spare a few moments to look into the increasingly technical content spread over our slides. This will also give you an idea about our seriousness with technology. You can find many more on our slideshare channel simply by following one of the links below.

Photo by Upupa4me