Simulators as Drivers of Cutting Edge Research

We believe that simulations can lead to better systems. This is to say that instead of employing real hardware for development, it would be much better to simulate them first somehow. Having the shrewdness of artificial intelligence behind, and the power of cloud computing underneath, simulators can accelerate innovation a lot. This is our claim. And we support this with extraordinary evidence. Our recent research paper is just about this. It is titled Simulators as Drivers of Cutting Edge Research. It was published in the Seventh IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modeling and Simulation. It was held in Bangkok last month.

In this position paper we argue that better systems can be developed by simulating them first. We quote examples from various feats. The article has examples about smart, autonomous, unmanned aerial vehicles, panels for solar energy, wind farm engineering, network design and many more. Following is a short presentation having a gist of its contents. You may want to have a look at it.

You can read the complete article as follows.

Simulators as Drivers of Cutting Edge Research – IEEE Xplore Document

Undertaking engineering research can be compounding for beginning graduate students and thwarting even for seasoned researchers. With a wealth of academic

Photo by Sam Howzit

CC BY-ND 4.0 Simulators as Drivers of Cutting Edge Research by OptimumT is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.