Grammatical Evolution Comes to Matlab

You can work for a lifetime and not earn enough for yourself. You can spend a lifetime in service of humanity and you would not have served so well. But sometimes you spend a little bit of your time on something and do enough work that is sufficient for yourself, your community and even the future generations of humanity. Investing time in the development of software as useful as grammatical evolution (GE) is such a great thing. What researchers have achieved with GE is no secret and nothing sort of miraculous. And GE has been in C++ so far. This meant that a researcher would have to go through the pains of doing so many configurations before making it work. But GE comes to Matlab now. Recently we announced that GE came to Java. With a few tweaks, we can now run it in Matlab. What does this mean for us? This means that the genie is out of the bottle. Indeed if you look at the work that has been done through GE, you will begin to believe that it is the genie that came out of Aladin’s golden lamp. With its coming to Matlab, this means that the humanity has entered a new era of innovation, creativity, and development.



libGEjava – A framework for Grammatical Evolution in Java. This is based on the original source code of GE in C++.

Photo by nigelhowe

CC BY-ND 4.0 Grammatical Evolution Comes to Matlab by OptimumT is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.