
Apart from our interest in solving hardcore technical problems, we take profound interest in other problems that confront the society. One of them is ample food supply to afford a decent sustenance for fellow human beings. One of the ways to alleviate food related problems is to adopt aquaponics and to promote it. To this end, we not only contemplate on aquaponics, we also provide valuable advice about its adoption. We also provide all the paraphernalia required to develop indoor aquaponic systems. This includes various types of clays and soils, aquatic animals, various vegetables, aquariums, growbeds, and of course shovels and related stuff.

Please check our website time and again for more updates on this as well. If you are new to aquaponics and confused about how it works, read this compelling article written by one of our senior consultants about its importance and adoption.

Photo by USDAgov