Grammatical Evolution Comes to Java

We recently ported the renowned grammatical evolution (GE) algorithm to Java. GE is a strong optimization and machine learning (ML) algorithm that was conceived, invented and developed in Bio-Developmental Systems Research Group at University of Limerick, IrelandFor ages, it existed in C++, as that was the language of choice for its initial implementation. Now we have translated it into Java. We hope that this translation is going to be helpful in innovating many newer technologies.


libGEjava – A framework for Grammatical Evolution in Java. This is based on the original source code of GE in C++.

Grammatical evolution – IEEE Journals & Magazine

We present grammatical evolution, an evolutionary algorithm that can evolve complete programs in an arbitrary language using a variable-length binary strin



Photo by hans s

A Genetic Algorithm for Image Reconstruction

We would cordially like to share here the source code of a genetic algorithm (GA). We developed this GA for image reconstruction. We recently reported our work about the evolution of Mona Lisa. We used this algorithm to achieve the reconstruction of the renowned painting using a handful of Pablo Picasso’s paintings.

The good thing about this GA is that it is implemented for Matlab/Octave environment. With slight tweaks, it can also be used for other problems. We hope that you would like it.

Adil Raja / irga


Photo by Rosmarie Voegtli

Evolution of Mona Lisa With Pablo Picasso’s Paintings

In the past, we have also been involved with evolutionary design. In particular, we tried to do an experiment to recreate Mona Lisa using a handful of paintings of Pablo Picasso. We wanted to see how it all goes. Our work was recently published in an IEEE outlet. The good thing about evolutionary design is that it is a rapidly thriving field with lots of applications in many feats. Please read our article as follows.


Evolution of Mona Lisa with Pablo Picasso’s paintings – IEEE Conference Publication

In recent years, design of artistic artifacts using machine learning (ML) techniques has become a major feat. Artificial creation of artistic artifacts inv

Also, please review our presentation of it on Youtube and Vimeo.

Evolution of Mona Lisa Using Pablo Picasso’s Paintings from Adil Raja on Vimeo.

Photo by pedrosimoes7

A Tutorial on Simulating Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

We have been working on simulating autonomous drones for quite some time now. We published details of our work in the past. Recently, we thought about publishing our experiences with the feat of simulating drones.

Autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been a hot topic in academic circles lately. Enormous literature can be found on this subject. Approaches that address issues of developing planes that fly autonomously, without the intervention of a human pilot, as well as that also coordinate and cooperate with other planes are omnipresent. Academic literature is replete with such examples. The discipline can also be quite enticing. However, as it can be the case with any research endeavor, there are plenty of concerns that may remain obfuscated even after reviewing considerable literature.

Please review the rest of the article as follows.

A tutorial on simulating unmanned aerial vehicles – IEEE Conference Publication

This paper presents our reflections about our recent, intense involvement with the simulation of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Our idea was to integrate

Photo by Airwolfhound