Deploying Renewables

The world is adopting renewable energy systems quite fast. Even in the regions where massive adoption of renewable energy systems in not underway, people and polities are contemplating about the possible ways in which it could be done. This recent article by the Scientific American magazine illustrates that how cities and towns of the U.S. are choosing renewables to save money. According to this analysis, even if adopting renewable energy systems turns out to be expensive in the beginning, it ends up quite cheap in the long run. Moreover, it allows people a way to escape the price volatility associated with the fossil fuel based energy systems. Add to this the catalytic advancements in the renewable energy systems. Adoption of newer systems built with organic materials is not only making solar energy panels a lot more cheap, it is also making them readily available at much lower costs. This is quite tremendous. According to other sources most of the world’s energy needs shall be fulfilled through renewable energy systems by 2025.

While the rest of the world is steering towards renewables, at OptimumT we contemplate on why this adoption is so formidable in Pakistan. We wonder why there is a sheer lack of a stimulus to adopt technological systems that would be cheaper for us in the long run. Renewable energy systems are not only becoming economically affordable, they have a much better impact on the environment as well. We wonder why it is so hard to convince the state owned public sector institutions about the benefits and need of such systems.

Our zest at OptimumT is to develop novel technological systems that would benefit the society at large. In the interim we also pine about adoption and deployment of systems that are already available. To serve this purpose we have written a small proposal to draw the attention of those responsible to our indispensable national requirements. Enjoy reading it as follows.

At OptimumT one of the things that concerns us the most is our environment. We hope that you appreciate the greenery of our approach.

Photo by shock264

Algorithms That Create Algorithms

Keeping in line with our fascination of technical ideas, we would like to share another of our research proposals. This one is titled, “Theory and Applications of Hyper-Heuristics.” What are hyper-heuristics? A comprehensive understanding of the ideas demands some familiarity with meta-heuristic algorithms. So what are meta-heuristic algorithms then? In its simplest manifestation, a meta-heuristic algorithm takes a user-defined problem as an input and starts generating solutions for it. It then improves those solutions iteratively in a meaningful sense, and stops iterating when the desired solution has been found. If you find this explanation bemusing, read it again a couple of times before moving on.

So what is a hyper-heuristic algorithm? A hyper-heuristic algorithm takes a user-specified problem as an input and starts generating algorithms that would solve the problem. The algorithms it generates are in turn expected to generate solutions to the problem in whatever way they deem fit. Just like a meta-heuristic algorithm generates newer solutions to a problem iteratively, a hyper-heuristic algorithm generates newer algorithms iteratively. The only difference is of generation of solutions versus the generation of algorithms respectively. Consequently, a hyper-heuristic algorithm can cook-up newer meta-heuristic on its way to solving the problem. However, it is only the algorithms it creates, actually solve the problem. This is a simple explanation of how a hyper-heuristic works. If you are still bemused about how it works, read through this article again.

Hyper-heuristics have been applied to numerous problems and they have shown promising results. What inspires us most about them is their application to vehicle routing problem in the context of developing fully autonomous, self-coordinating unmanned aerial vehicles. Please read the following research proposal to get an idea about our interests in Theory and Applications of Hyper-Heuristics.

Photo by seier+seier

A Technological Culture

If you spare some time to roam around in some area of Pakistan, you would find a widespread technical cornucopia in our society. You can find the latest models cars, mobile telephones, personal computers, handheld devices fairly easily. There is not a corner in Pakistan today where you cannot find one or the other that reflects the epitome of technical advancement the humanity has reached today. Moreover, you can also find herds of hyper educated young people.

Yet there are things that are not quite right about Pakistan. Everything seems to have been put together in a hurry. Everything looks quite messed up. There are hoards of garbage and used polythene bags spread in every corner of the country. There are stinking canals with stagnating dirty water in them. Human condition is quite dilapidated particularly. A large number of people live in abject poverty.

Despite all the awareness of the technological advancement in the developed world and its adoption in Pakistan, there is not much general interest among the people in national development. People are aware of the general global technological advancement and they even have a desire develop the country. However, there is a deep rooted cynicism in our society that overrides the most prosperous of our urges.

One of the ways this can be explained is why renewable energy has not been adopted so widely in our country. Everyone in Pakistan is aware of the potential benefits of adopting renewable energy systems. People are even willing that such systems be deployed in our country. However, the hopes that such systems would one day be deployed in our country are close to non-existent. Although some work is being done to this end. And it wouldn’t be a surprise if one day we had widespread installation of such systems. However, if you mention this to the common folks now, they would simply be pessimistic about any possibility that such developments can happen in Pakistan.

One of our goals at OptimumT is to break this spell of pessimism. We aim to promote a technology culture in Pakistan in which everyone would be aware of not only the potential of cutting-edge technologies, but would also have the readiness to believe that such technological advancement can happen very fast. To this end, we would also like to promote a culture in which people are aware and wary of the ethical and moral issues concerning the applications of science and technology.

Although it is not our position to reflect on philosophical, political, and ethical issues at OptimumT, we still hope to promote ideas that would have a greater impact in developing a more peaceful,  sustainable and a civilized global society. At OptimumT our aim is to promote  a technology culture with a global impact.

Photo by Slaunger

Get Conscious

At OptimumT we not only care about fixing the things that come in your worldview, we also pine about elevating your inner self. This is to say that the ideas regarding personal well being of people worry us. We live in an age in which mental and physical health are matters of great concern for the humanity. There has been a lot of publishing activity in the media lately especially concerning the mental health. Mental illnesses like depression, bipolar disorder, mood swings have become commonplace by the day. More severe illnesses like schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s, autism, attention deficit disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, autism and seizures are not uncommon by any means, and the list goes on.

At OptimumT we have written a research proposal especially for the purpose of studying human consciousness. We have titled it Understanding Human Consciousness. The scope of the proposal is, as suggested earlier, to develop a comprehensive overview of what problems affect the mental and physical well being of human beings, and to suggest cures for them if possible. Our primary concern in developing this document was to reflect on neuroscience. We love to study everything about neuroscience, ranging from mundane, albeit serious, mental illness to the mind-body problems in a philosophical context. Topics such as neural correlates of almost everything inspire our awe just for the sake of it. You can have a look at the research proposal below.

Photo by Diego3336

Financial Modeling

We have been enticed time and again to work on challenging problems that were not even remotely related to our core expertise and qualifications. Such are the ruses of practical life. However, we have a sort of accepting such tests with a candid heart. At one such moment, we were asked to reflect on how high performance computing techniques could be applied to problems in financial modeling. In order to give our reflections, we chose to write another research proposal for that. The research proposal can be found as follows.

Photo by Accretion Disc

Water Matters

Water scarcity is drawing a considerable attention of various think tanks and scientific magazines these days. The general impression is that some of the major, and well developed, cities of the world have begun to observe a considerable levels of water shortage. There is news about water problems of Mexico, and there are concerns about water crisis looming in some cities of the US. There is already reasonable awareness in some learned circles that water distribution is a very serious issue in many Asian countries. In some parts of the middle east there are already talks about assigning small quotas on per person basis to distribute the limited amount of usable water equally among the inhabitants.

The issue of water distribution needs to be taken seriously because the supply of this commodity is rapidly decreasing in wake of its drastically increasing demand. And the increased demand can be fairly explained in light of not only the increasing population, but also of the massive industrialization that has taken place over the past and that is expected to increase further in the future.

Poorly designed water distribution systems have not spared Pakistan a chance to prosper either. Actually it is general knowledge in our country that a significant proportion of our population does not have access to clean drinking water. This is a pity. And this is the plight of the people of Pakistan. Added to this are the future projections of further dwindling of water supplies in the near future. And that near future is not very far. It is expected to arrive as soon as the next five years. This is quite daunting.

Contrary to our poor water distribution systems, the truth is that is abundant water in the country. We have glaciers that melt during the summers. We have massive rivers that can carry that water to the sea. And we have a relatively calm and docile sea as well that splashes water gently mack to our shores. We also have rains and monsoons. And it is also not very hard to dig a well in your backyard to be able a fetch a pale of water when needed. Water can be found at relatively shallow depths in various parts of Pakistan.

Despite the abundance of water, most people are still deprived of clean drinking water. Water is not readily available for irrigation in various parts of Pakistan. We observe massive floods in Pakistan. And yet we frequently end up as a thirsty nation. Moreover, the analytical forecasts do not tell a nice story about us as a water rich country.

Whatever the reasons for this predicament of Pakistan, here at OptimumT we love to contemplate on this problem as well. In wake of this we have written a research proposal that is aimed at addressing water distribution problems of Pakistan. We hope to be able to design more efficient water distribution networks that would one day be helpful in supplying adequate and ample quantities of water to our people.

You might find our insights interesting, if not comprehensive. Our analysis of the problems is under evolution at the moment. At OptimumT we have a child-like curiosity to wonder about why so much abundance of water is mismanaged in Pakistan. If you find this problem interesting please have a look at our ideas.

Photo by Koshyk

Of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

It is all over in the newspapers these days that Pakistan has developed its first indigenous drones. It is much hyped in the news and it is quite encouraging as well. Drones are supposed to help in conducting military operations. Had it not been for their potential use against terrorism activities, the news is also quite daunting as such. Consider drones planes flying all over the place where you live and delivering catastrophic ballistic missiles in your neighborhood. The idea is quite fearsome indeed. The idea of using drones in anti-terrorism campaigns comes across as a relieving one instead. And their development starts sounding quite sensible all of a sudden.

Drones are also being developed in Pakistan and elsewhere in the world because technology has become quite contagious for the times we live in. One company, or a country, develops something and the others start following the lead. As a matter of fact, in so many ways it becomes incumbent upon other groups, nations and countries to catch up with the technological gap so as not to be left out as an outdated clan.

At OptimumT we propose technology with ideology. We believe in developing technical gadgets that would help in ameliorating the human condition in one way or the other. However, we believe that exploiting the potential of science and technological to threaten life in any way is vice and despicable.

In wake of this spirit we have written a research proposal for design and development of fully autonomous, self-coordinating and cooperative unmanned aerial vehicles too. Our research proposal is particularly aimed at civilian applications of unmanned aerial vehicular systems. Our research proposal is also quite ahead of time in terms of its ideas. And the ideas we propose are quite thrilling. In order to get a feel of what we believe we can do in this realm, please read up on our research proposal as follows.

Photo by San Diego Air & Space Museum Archives

Solar Rooftops

Isn’t it true that in Pakistan we are quite slow at adopting newer technologies? Indeed it is quite true. We have an extremely severe energy crisis in our country and yet it is taking us too long to adopt alternative means for energy generation. Why is it so that it takes too long for people in our country to adopt technical trends that could be beneficial for the whole society?

Ten years from now if you suggested someone to adopt solar energy systems, you would be simply laughed away. Consider talking to someone about the benefits of solar energy systems, and try to visualize the response. The same familiar sinister smile trying to hide behind the lips and the wide, dull eyes. Even if the person you are addressing has afforded to listen to what you have said to him, he is still possibly thinking that you are crazy. And that idea about yourself explains the reason for that crazy smile.

Actually it is a fact that in Pakistan a person is not taken seriously who floats such idiosyncratic ideas. However, solar energy systems are becoming quite omnipresent in Pakistan now and this is quite encouraging. They are not as common as they possibly should be, but it is still encouraging to see that people are adopting them on every level.

It is not surprising that solar energy systems have been widely developed and deployed elsewhere in the modern world. Even our neighboring country India has taken very bold steps in adopting solar energy systems. In one of the auspicious deployments, it was shown that how deploying solar energy systems over canals could help not only in electricity generation, but also in saving space and reducing water evaporation. This is quite impressive indeed.

At OptimumT we have a very keen interest in developing solar energy systems and panels. We have also a written a nice research proposal to this end in which we highlight important problems in design and development of such systems. The research proposal can be read as follows. This would give you an idea about the types of problems we are interested in. However, we are not only confined to that. We are quite open-minded about that.

It is not only our interest to solve technical problems related to such technologies, we are also very keen about finding new ways to make their adoption easier and affordable.

Photo by kateausburn

Wind Farming

One of our interests is to work in the wind farm engineering sector. We not only feel that it would be quite beneficial if people, organizations, governments and states adopted renewable energy systems, we believe that it is absolutely incumbent upon them to do so.

It really burns the heart to see that a lot of institutions in Pakistan burn countless barrels of combustible oil every day to meet their electricity demands during the load shedding hours. And there is are quite a lot of load shedding hours in Pakistan. As a rough estimate the electricity outage is as high as more than twelve hours in most parts of the country on a daily basis. This trend is supposed to grow as we march into the future. Electricity outages have already affected the business and household life in Pakistan rather severely. Something needs to be done about it. Clearly, the solution lies in adopting alternative means for electricity generation.

One of the ways to overcome our energy crisis is to adopt wind farm engineering on a countrywide scale. Luckily, in Pakistan we have ample space and conducive atmospheric conditions for deployment of wind farm engineering systems.

Renowned worldwide scientific, engineering, research and technical communities are celebrating 2015 as the year of renewable energy systems. The idea is bring about an awareness among the people to appreciate its importance. The idea is also to develop regulatory laws that would help organizations in adopting such solutions.

At OptimumT we value such constructive efforts and tendencies quite a lot. We not only aim to find easy means for adoption and deployment of such technologies in Pakistan, we also love to work on different technical problems related to such technologies. This is particularly true about our passion for wind farm engineering. To this end, we have a keen interest in designing, developing and deploying wind farm engineering systems in suitable locales. We also look into problems that are apparently tedious, however, literally important, such as, design of rotor blades for wind farm turbines, their efficiency and amenability for certain environments.

We also wonder why it becomes so difficult, cumbersome and clumsy when it comes to deploying such technologies in Pakistan. This is especially surprising when our weather is conducive, our people are talented and, above all, we are in dire need of a technology such as this to meet our electricity demands.

Photo by Idaho National Laboratory