Wind Farming

One of our interests is to work in the wind farm engineering sector. We not only feel that it would be quite beneficial if people, organizations, governments and states adopted renewable energy systems, we believe that it is absolutely incumbent upon them to do so.

It really burns the heart to see that a lot of institutions in Pakistan burn countless barrels of combustible oil every day to meet their electricity demands during the load shedding hours. And there is are quite a lot of load shedding hours in Pakistan. As a rough estimate the electricity outage is as high as more than twelve hours in most parts of the country on a daily basis. This trend is supposed to grow as we march into the future. Electricity outages have already affected the business and household life in Pakistan rather severely. Something needs to be done about it. Clearly, the solution lies in adopting alternative means for electricity generation.

One of the ways to overcome our energy crisis is to adopt wind farm engineering on a countrywide scale. Luckily, in Pakistan we have ample space and conducive atmospheric conditions for deployment of wind farm engineering systems.

Renowned worldwide scientific, engineering, research and technical communities are celebrating 2015 as the year of renewable energy systems. The idea is bring about an awareness among the people to appreciate its importance. The idea is also to develop regulatory laws that would help organizations in adopting such solutions.

At OptimumT we value such constructive efforts and tendencies quite a lot. We not only aim to find easy means for adoption and deployment of such technologies in Pakistan, we also love to work on different technical problems related to such technologies. This is particularly true about our passion for wind farm engineering. To this end, we have a keen interest in designing, developing and deploying wind farm engineering systems in suitable locales. We also look into problems that are apparently tedious, however, literally important, such as, design of rotor blades for wind farm turbines, their efficiency and amenability for certain environments.

We also wonder why it becomes so difficult, cumbersome and clumsy when it comes to deploying such technologies in Pakistan. This is especially surprising when our weather is conducive, our people are talented and, above all, we are in dire need of a technology such as this to meet our electricity demands.

Photo by Idaho National Laboratory

CC BY-ND 4.0 Wind Farming by OptimumT is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.