Solar Rooftops

Isn’t it true that in Pakistan we are quite slow at adopting newer technologies? Indeed it is quite true. We have an extremely severe energy crisis in our country and yet it is taking us too long to adopt alternative means for energy generation. Why is it so that it takes too long for people in our country to adopt technical trends that could be beneficial for the whole society?

Ten years from now if you suggested someone to adopt solar energy systems, you would be simply laughed away. Consider talking to someone about the benefits of solar energy systems, and try to visualize the response. The same familiar sinister smile trying to hide behind the lips and the wide, dull eyes. Even if the person you are addressing has afforded to listen to what you have said to him, he is still possibly thinking that you are crazy. And that idea about yourself explains the reason for that crazy smile.

Actually it is a fact that in Pakistan a person is not taken seriously who floats such idiosyncratic ideas. However, solar energy systems are becoming quite omnipresent in Pakistan now and this is quite encouraging. They are not as common as they possibly should be, but it is still encouraging to see that people are adopting them on every level.

It is not surprising that solar energy systems have been widely developed and deployed elsewhere in the modern world. Even our neighboring country India has taken very bold steps in adopting solar energy systems. In one of the auspicious deployments, it was shown that how deploying solar energy systems over canals could help not only in electricity generation, but also in saving space and reducing water evaporation. This is quite impressive indeed.

At OptimumT we have a very keen interest in developing solar energy systems and panels. We have also a written a nice research proposal to this end in which we highlight important problems in design and development of such systems. The research proposal can be read as follows. This would give you an idea about the types of problems we are interested in. However, we are not only confined to that. We are quite open-minded about that.

It is not only our interest to solve technical problems related to such technologies, we are also very keen about finding new ways to make their adoption easier and affordable.

Photo by kateausburn

CC BY-ND 4.0 Solar Rooftops by OptimumT is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.