Get Conscious

At OptimumT we not only care about fixing the things that come in your worldview, we also pine about elevating your inner self. This is to say that the ideas regarding personal well being of people worry us. We live in an age in which mental and physical health are matters of great concern for the humanity. There has been a lot of publishing activity in the media lately especially concerning the mental health. Mental illnesses like depression, bipolar disorder, mood swings have become commonplace by the day. More severe illnesses like schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s, autism, attention deficit disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, autism and seizures are not uncommon by any means, and the list goes on.

At OptimumT we have written a research proposal especially for the purpose of studying human consciousness. We have titled it Understanding Human Consciousness. The scope of the proposal is, as suggested earlier, to develop a comprehensive overview of what problems affect the mental and physical well being of human beings, and to suggest cures for them if possible. Our primary concern in developing this document was to reflect on neuroscience. We love to study everything about neuroscience, ranging from mundane, albeit serious, mental illness to the mind-body problems in a philosophical context. Topics such as neural correlates of almost everything inspire our awe just for the sake of it. You can have a look at the research proposal below.

Photo by Diego3336

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