Evolution of Mona Lisa With Pablo Picasso’s Paintings

In the past, we have also been involved with evolutionary design. In particular, we tried to do an experiment to recreate Mona Lisa using a handful of paintings of Pablo Picasso. We wanted to see how it all goes. Our work was recently published in an IEEE outlet. The good thing about evolutionary design is that it is a rapidly thriving field with lots of applications in many feats. Please read our article as follows.


Evolution of Mona Lisa with Pablo Picasso’s paintings – IEEE Conference Publication

In recent years, design of artistic artifacts using machine learning (ML) techniques has become a major feat. Artificial creation of artistic artifacts inv

Also, please review our presentation of it on Youtube and Vimeo.

Evolution of Mona Lisa Using Pablo Picasso’s Paintings from Adil Raja on Vimeo.

Photo by pedrosimoes7

CC BY-ND 4.0 Evolution of Mona Lisa With Pablo Picasso’s Paintings by OptimumT is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.