Deploying Renewables

The world is adopting renewable energy systems quite fast. Even in the regions where massive adoption of renewable energy systems in not underway, people and polities are contemplating about the possible ways in which it could be done. This recent article by the Scientific American magazine illustrates that how cities and towns of the U.S. are choosing renewables to save money. According to this analysis, even if adopting renewable energy systems turns out to be expensive in the beginning, it ends up quite cheap in the long run. Moreover, it allows people a way to escape the price volatility associated with the fossil fuel based energy systems. Add to this the catalytic advancements in the renewable energy systems. Adoption of newer systems built with organic materials is not only making solar energy panels a lot more cheap, it is also making them readily available at much lower costs. This is quite tremendous. According to other sources most of the world’s energy needs shall be fulfilled through renewable energy systems by 2025.

While the rest of the world is steering towards renewables, at OptimumT we contemplate on why this adoption is so formidable in Pakistan. We wonder why there is a sheer lack of a stimulus to adopt technological systems that would be cheaper for us in the long run. Renewable energy systems are not only becoming economically affordable, they have a much better impact on the environment as well. We wonder why it is so hard to convince the state owned public sector institutions about the benefits and need of such systems.

Our zest at OptimumT is to develop novel technological systems that would benefit the society at large. In the interim we also pine about adoption and deployment of systems that are already available. To serve this purpose we have written a small proposal to draw the attention of those responsible to our indispensable national requirements. Enjoy reading it as follows.

At OptimumT one of the things that concerns us the most is our environment. We hope that you appreciate the greenery of our approach.

Photo by shock264

CC BY-ND 4.0 Deploying Renewables by OptimumT is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.