A Technological Culture

If you spare some time to roam around in some area of Pakistan, you would find a widespread technical cornucopia in our society. You can find the latest models cars, mobile telephones, personal computers, handheld devices fairly easily. There is not a corner in Pakistan today where you cannot find one or the other that reflects the epitome of technical advancement the humanity has reached today. Moreover, you can also find herds of hyper educated young people.

Yet there are things that are not quite right about Pakistan. Everything seems to have been put together in a hurry. Everything looks quite messed up. There are hoards of garbage and used polythene bags spread in every corner of the country. There are stinking canals with stagnating dirty water in them. Human condition is quite dilapidated particularly. A large number of people live in abject poverty.

Despite all the awareness of the technological advancement in the developed world and its adoption in Pakistan, there is not much general interest among the people in national development. People are aware of the general global technological advancement and they even have a desire develop the country. However, there is a deep rooted cynicism in our society that overrides the most prosperous of our urges.

One of the ways this can be explained is why renewable energy has not been adopted so widely in our country. Everyone in Pakistan is aware of the potential benefits of adopting renewable energy systems. People are even willing that such systems be deployed in our country. However, the hopes that such systems would one day be deployed in our country are close to non-existent. Although some work is being done to this end. And it wouldn’t be a surprise if one day we had widespread installation of such systems. However, if you mention this to the common folks now, they would simply be pessimistic about any possibility that such developments can happen in Pakistan.

One of our goals at OptimumT is to break this spell of pessimism. We aim to promote a technology culture in Pakistan in which everyone would be aware of not only the potential of cutting-edge technologies, but would also have the readiness to believe that such technological advancement can happen very fast. To this end, we would also like to promote a culture in which people are aware and wary of the ethical and moral issues concerning the applications of science and technology.

Although it is not our position to reflect on philosophical, political, and ethical issues at OptimumT, we still hope to promote ideas that would have a greater impact in developing a more peaceful,  sustainable and a civilized global society. At OptimumT our aim is to promote  a technology culture with a global impact.

Photo by Slaunger

CC BY-ND 4.0 A Technological Culture by OptimumT is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.